Chapter 15 worksheet
Jennifer Rodriguez
1. Who is the author of this chapter and what information can you find about the author elsewhere in the text?
The author's name is Jerrel H. Shofner. After many reviews of the chapter, the only information found elsewhere in the text is regarding his other writings. Shofner wrote 6 more publications and is very well-educated on the history of Florida. No other information about this author has been found in this chapter.
2. According to this chapter, list 2 things that were in desperate need of “reconstruction”
The first thing President Johnson felt needed to be changed was the amount of freedom that was given to black men and women. The second thing the president didn't agree with was the Unionists being in control so he set up a system to allow the Confederates to be back in charge. He felt the union or anyone influenced by the union allowed too much room for independence and change and equality that he did not agree with. (Shofner, 2018, pp 261-263)
3. Florida stands apart from other areas of the South in the way that General Newton handled two main areas: politics & freedmen. Discuss both.
General John Newton took advantage of the legislature in place to protect the freedom of former slaves. He told the planters they would need to inform the workers/former slaves not only that they were free but could now work for wages. Although many of these planters disagreed and wanted free labor there was not much they could do once the new rules were in place. The General followed the protocol of the U.S. Army regarding freedmen which many residents of the South opposed. (Shofner, 2018, p 260)
4. Demand for cotton was (increasing or decreasing) during the early years of reconstruction.
5. White And black farmers alike were given a new structure in which to run their land (called by 3 different terms in the text). What is one of the names of this new agricultural system used by the author?
The name of the agricultural system that affected both white and black farmers was called tenant farming. (Shofner, 2018, p 261)
6. What 2 issues engulfed Florida as well as the entire nation, just as Lincoln feared it would?
Florida's readmission to the Union along with the institution of slavery being replaced with the labor system and reinforcing the status of freedmen as citizens left many Floridians as well as the entire nation angry and bitter. (Shofner, 2018, p 261)
7. Shofner describes a very sticky situation regarding President Johnson restoring land ownership to former confederates. Reflect on how this affects the statewide condition at the time.
Florida was already in a chaotic state considering they lost a governor, Lincoln got assassinated, a labor system was installed to replace the institution of slavery and the government itself was crumbling. Lincoln was the only hope for Unionists to move forward and how he was gone. President Johnson's decision to restore the land to the Confederates created even more problems and gave them room to form a new government and even create a new constitution. President Johnson only cared about opinions if they were pro-Confederate and ruined the progress that Florida would have made if his personal views were not so biased or racist. (Shofner, 2018, p261)
8. What does the text mean about Lincoln’s “non-punitive ideas”?
Abraham Lincoln had ideas for the country that were based on his incorruptible integrity and President Johnson felt that his ideas did not serve a purpose for the United States. Lincoln's desire for racial equality and his dedication to peace instead of creating problems within politics made anyone who did not agree with his opinions hate him. Since the president and most politicians did not agree with racial equality, they decided to do the opposite of what Lincoln suggested and get rid of his "non-punitive ideas".
9. We know that “Black Codes” took shape despite the efforts of the Freedman’s Bureau. Discuss the ways that Florida fell into the practices.
Planters, farmers, and slaveowners wanted the practice of slavery to be restored to allow free and forced labor to take place. This sums up the majority of white Florida's perspective in the 1860s which shows us how Florida fell into the practice of Black Codes. Floridians wanted to restrict the freedom of African Americans after slavery ended. (Shofner, 2018, p 263)
10. Why was the Civil Rights Act of 1865 so ineffective?
Although freedmen were given some civil rights there were still too many laws that discriminated against black citizens. Many laws protected white slave owners from being in any trouble with the law, even if they broke the law by mistreating their workers. Although there was some progress and some change, the effects were not enough to protect all of the civil rights of black citizens and have them be treated equally by white Floridians.
11. What legislative measures marked the end of martial law in Florida?
The Constitution of 1865. The U.S. congress rejected this constitution, ended marshall law, and put Florida under Radical Reconstruction.
12. Describe the internal divisions that developed in Florida during the reconstruction years.
President Johnson allowed the Confederates to create a new government and new constitution that would not allow freedmen to have access to all of their civil rights. They did not include black members in their committees and did not want to acknowledge the rights of others. Confederate members of the committee recommended that slavery remain legal because it was beneficial to "everyone". The main issue was that they were all racists and continued to divide Florida residents with their opinions and massive followers that agreed to keep slavery alive. (Shofner, 2018, p 262)
13. What 2 measures were taken by conservative whites to prevent Freedmen from exercising their rights to suffrage?
Conservative planters controlled land and credit and would deny rentals to freedmen who would vote Republican.
The Democrat party and the KKK used violence to discourage black citizens to use their voting privileges, what a coincidence.
(Shofner, 2018, pp 266-268)
14. What is the contrasting difference between reconstruction effects in middle and peninsular Florida?
The differences between reconstruction effects in middle versus peninsular Florida have very different outcomes. In Middle Florida, there were a lot of political and racial conflicts that continued to divide Floridians and create more problems. But the effects helped open up peninsular Florida to settlement. Many people from both inside and outside of Florida were attracted to this area because of the open land and unsettled region. (Shofner, 2018, p 268)
15. When Shofner turns from reconstruction to renewal, list industries and individuals who played a role.
Frederick DeBary a wine merchant and hotel owner helped shape the city of Rockledge by opening up a hotel. Henry S. Sanford developed orange groves and sold them to many people which brought more people to the area. The citrus and tourist industries were booming and many tourists and settlers enjoyed it.
16. The late entry of what industry had a negative impact on Florida’s renewal?
Railroad transport. A federal court injunction prohibited the sale of state lands which prevented a suitable railroad transport to happen. (Shofner, 2018, p 270)
17. The political temperature in Florida changed dramatically in the renewal years. Expound on that and include the one negative piece of legislature that added to already active Black Codes.
Governor Reed's administration came to an end in 1873 after 4 attempts were made to impeach him. Ossian B. Hart was nominated as governor but the victory was for Marcellus L. Steams. He did very little to bring peace to the party as he sided with white Floridians only and left black Floridians behind. Some were against Hart due to his connections with black leaders and some hated Steams for his biased opinions and connections with the white community. There was a lot of drama between both parties that brought trouble to everyone in politics and the residents of Florida. Conservatives, Democrats, Republicans, and Conservative-Democrats; all of them were confused as to which side they should be on.
The piece of legislature that added to the Black Codes was of course created by Democrats in 1884. It kept most black voters away from the polls legally and there was nothing they could do to change it considering they were under Democrat rules. (Shofner 2018, p274)
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